At times, item SKUs in an ecommerce store that is connected via a DCL ecommerce connector can have a different SKU for the same item at DCL. This application allows us to create a cross-reference item record(s) from an ecommerce store SKU to DCL SKU.
Example Use Case
Customer SKU in ecommerce store is different than SKU at DCL for the same item. Customer would like to map the ecommerce store SKU to DCL SKU when orders are placed.
Customer | Store SKU (on Order) | Start Date | End Date | DCL SKU (on Box) |
Acme | A1234 | 1/1/2023 | 1/31/2023 | B1234 |
Acme | A5678 | 1/1/2023 | (null) | B5679 |
Using a DCL ecommerce app (Shopify, Amazon, etc.)
Ecommerce SKU is different from SKU at DCL
Setup is done internally at DCL
Setup will need to be completed by DCL Team
Customer to provide ecommerce SKU that correlates to with DCL SKU for DCL with start and end date. In the event that the SKU does not have a defined end date, it will run in perpetuity or until DCL is instructed to remove it.