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Items (Inventory) - Receipts
Written by Maureen
Updated over 5 months ago

Receipts are where you will enter their Advances Shipping Notifications or ASN’s for inbound shipments to a DCL fulfillment center. ASN’s are entered in eFactory which triggers an internal purchase order to receive the product against once it arrives.

  • Fields with Red lines are required fields that the seller needs to fill out.

    • REF.TRANSACTION #: This number must be unique for all other ASN’s

    • REF.PURCHASE ORDER # : This does not need to be unique. This is normally the PO number the seller generated with their manufacturer. So the seller can have have multiple receipts for the same PO that they generated with your manufacture.

  • Expected Arrival Date at DCL – This is the date we expect to have the product arrive on our Dock.

    • DCL Customers can enter the part number directly.

    • Or Browse the items that have been set up in our system.

    • The order date defaults to the day they are creating the ASN. The seller can change this date if needed.

  • Ext PO Receipt

    • If the seller requested DCL to set up an external account, they can receive stock into this account. An external account allows the seller to keep track of inventory stored at a different warehouse. DCL does not control this, so it is up to the seller to keep track. DCL never physically receives stock for an external warehouse

  • Ext RMA receipt

    • This is similar to Ext PO receipt except it is for RMA’s

Can I change the ASN after it is created?

When an ASN needs to be deleted, or you need to change the expected arrival date in eFactory, the instructions below will assist in fulfilling the request.

If you want to change individual line items, you must contact your Account Manager. Please click here for more information.

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