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Items (Inventory) - Overview

The Items tab provides visibility of product inventory, otherwise known as Items, being managed at DCL facilities or partner facilities.

Written by DCL Support
Updated over 6 months ago

This article covers the Items subcategories: Status, Receiving, On Hold, Transactions, Lot Master, As of a Date, Transaction Summary, Cycle Count, DG Data, and Bundles.

What do the columns in the inventory report mean?

This section will give you the item's status. The column headers are similar to the item section in the Overview. Here is what the column headers mean.

  • Q on Hand – Physical Quantity on hand.

  • Q on Hold – what parts are on hold.

  • Q on FF – Units committed to our customer's shipping orders in our shipping system.

  • Q comm.–These are items committed to Work orders and Sales orders within the DCL ERP system (different than the shipping system).

  • Q in Proc. - When an order ships, the part number required moves from FF commitment to PROC commitment. PROC stands for in-process. After the order ships, there is no longer an FF order commitment and a slight delay of no more than 5 minutes before the stock is deducted from ON HAND. The PROC commitment accounts for the stock before deducting it from the system.

  • Q NET Available - Refers to the quantity of stock currently in inventory that has not been allocated to fulfill any existing shipping work orders or placed on hold for any reason. This stock is ready and accessible for immediate use or allocation to new orders or projects without prior commitments or reservations.

  • Open PO – This section shows open ASN’s the customer has created for incoming stock.

  • Open RMA – This section shows open RMA’s for RMA’s that are expected to come in.

  • Open WO – This section shows open WO’s that were are building that are not completed yet.

  • Line Type – This is the stocking line type when a part number is created. Normally you will see “S” for Stock or “O” for obsolete (if you uncheck the OMIT OBSOLETE sort function).

  • CAT 1 and CAT 2 – optional sort functions that can be added when a part number is created in in our WMS system.

  • CAT3 – Key item code will show here if the item is set up as a KEY item.

  • DCL Item Number – Our version of the customer part number that is created our WMS system.

  • Sort Functions -

  1. Warehouse- Where the stock is stored.

  2. Flags – this shows reorder points, Key items, and shortages

  3. Omit Zero qty – When this is checked, it will not list parts that are out of stock.

  4. Omit Obsolete – When this is checked, it will not list parts that have been obsoleted.


This shows items received and items that have not been received yet during a selected period. Below are the new columns. Under the Status section, you can select "Received" or "To Recieve."


Below are columns not mentioned before in other articles.

  • Receipt date – This is the day the product was received into the system.

  • Q Ordered – This is the qty that was requested on the ASN.

  • Q Received – This is the qty that was received.

  • Customer PO number – This is the PO number that the seller entered in when the ASN was created.

  • Supplier Ref. – This is the packing list number from the receipt.

  • Box/Pallet—This indicates how many pallets or boxes were received. For example, B1 would be one box received, and P3 would be three pallets received.

  • Order Type Desc – This describes the type of Internal PO the shipment was received against.

  • Order Type – This is the code for the type of internal PO.

    • OC – seller Supplied.

    • OP – DCL Supplied.

    • OM – Used for receiving goods is tied to an open RMA number

    • OU – Unplanned Return.

  • LOT/SERIAL – This is the lot code that was received if the seller uses lot codes.

  • TRANS.DATE – This is the transaction date of the receipt.

  • DCL PO # - This is the PO number of the internal PO number created for receipts. When a client creates an ASN our system creates an internal PO for the ASN.

  • DCL Receipt Number – When an item is received, DCL creates a unique record ID for the receipt.

  • Trans # - This number comes from the seller when the ASN is created.

To Receive

This is where you can see open ASNs for incoming products to DCL. Below are columns that have not been mentioned before in other articles.

  • Promise date – This is the date the stock is expected to arrive.

  • Order date – This comes from the seller when they create the ASN.

  • On hold – This is stock currently on hold.

  • Order number – This is the DCL internal PO number.

  • Last Status – This is DCL internal coding to determine what stage the PO is in.

    • 220 Newly created ASN.

    • 380 Receiving printed the ASN paperwork.

    • 400 ASN received

  • Next Status - This is DCL internal coding to determine what stage the PO is in.

    • 380 Receiving to print the ASN paperwork

    • 400 Receiving to receive ASN

    • 999 ASN received

On Hold

This section shows items that are on hold. If you check the “show all location” box, then it will show all stock regardless if its on hold order not. Below are the new columns that were not mentioned before.

  • Location – This is the location of the product.

  • Hold Code – This is the code for why the product is on hold. It’s a very high-level code so we will not have specific reasons here.

  • Hold Reason – This is a description of the hold code.

  • Last Activity Date- This is the last time a transaction was done against this location.

  • QTY – This is the quantity at the location.

  • LOT/Serial – This is the LOT number if the seller uses lot codes.

  • PRM/SEC – This is the code used to determine if the location is a primary or secondary location. Note- All stock is deducted from a primary location.


This section will show inventory transactions between a selected period. You can see all additions and subtractions to the inventory. You will not see internal transfers from one location to another. There are new column headers below that were not mentioned before.

  • Date – This is the transaction date of the addition or subtraction of the stock from the system.

  • QTY – This is how many units were added or subtracted from the system.

  • Type – This is the code used to explain why the stock was subtracted or added.

    • IC—This is a completed work order. The completed finished good is first received into DCL-owned stock.

    • IF- This is a deduction from an order that DCL ships out on behalf of our seller.

    • II - This is a miscellaneous deduction of inventory from the system.

    • IM- Raw material deducted from Inventory for use in a Work Order.

    • IR- Addition of stock to customer-owned that originated from DCL-owned stock.

    • IU - Transfer of stock from the RMA department to good shippable stock.

    • OV - Inventory received from outside DCL.

    • PI - Addition/Deduction of stock due to a Physical Inventory count.

    • RI - Inventory deduction from an internal Sales Order.

    • ID - Addition of inventory due to a movement of stock from DCL-owned to seller-owned.

    • IA - Addition/Deduction of stock due to a cycle count.

    • IO - If additional raw goods are needed for a work order, the additional stock is deducted using the IO code.

    • IP - Addition/Deduction of stock due to a Physical Inventory count.

  • TRANS.EXPL – This gives a brief explanation of why the stock was deducted.

  • Hold Status – Same as hold code from the hold section

  • DOC.NO – if the transaction is a receipt. The DCL internal PO number will be here.

  • Create Date – This is the date the transaction was created. Typically, the create date and transaction date will be the same.

Lot Master

This section will show you inventory by lot location. Please note that the Net Available section does not include any FF orders that have a commitment.

As of Date

This will show the physical on hand for stock on a requested date – Use the sort function to select the date.

Transaction Summary

This section a seller can choose the date range and the system will summarize all the transactions between the dates chosen. I will have the beginning balance and the ending balance. New Columns not mentioned before

  • Beginning Balance – This is the starting balance from the date range chosen.

  • Sales Qty – This will be a compilation of all FF orders shipped.

  • Receipts – This will be a complication of all Trans Type: IR and OV (except if the DocType is OM and OU)

  • Assembled Qty – This will be a compilation of all IC Trans types.

  • Transfer Qty – This will be a compilation of all Trans types II, IM, RI, ID, IU, and IO.

  • Adjusted Qty – This will be a compilation of all trans types with code IA.

  • Return Qty – This will be a compilation of Trans Type: OV (Doc Type OM and OU. It will not include Doc type OC).

  • Count Adjusted-This is a compilation of Trans type PI, IP, and IQ.

  • End Balance – This is the ending balance.

Cycle count

This is where customers can see their cycle count results. Using the sort function, they can choose the date range.

  • New Columns that are not self-explanatory

    • CC days – These are the days from the last count.

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