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ReturnTrak Setup

Before your can create RMA’s (returns) in ReturnTrak, you'll need to set up your ReturnTrak settings.

Written by Maureen
Updated over 7 months ago

Please note: Only a user with Administrator access can setup the ReturnTrak setting.

Getting to ReturnTrak Settings

  1. Click on Services

  2. From Services, select Administration Tasks

  3. On the left side of the screen select ReturnTrak settings

What settings do I need to set up?

There are seven sections will need to be set up. Some are required, but others are only needed based on our customer requirements.

  1. RMA Types & Dispositions - Required.

  2. Custom Fields - Optional.

  3. Shipping - Needed if DCL will be shipping a replacement order.

  4. Email Settings - Needed if DCL will send your customer any RMA emails.

  5. Email Signatures - Needed if DCL will send your customer any RMA emails.

  6. Mail Templates - Needed if DCL will send your customer any RMA emails.

  7. RMA# Generation - Needed if DCL will manage the creation of RMA numbers.

You can set up each section in any order you want, but we suggest doing the setup first to ensure that each needed step is completed.

RMA Types & Dispositions

An RMA type defines what actions DCL will take either prior to receiving the RMA unit or what we will do prior to receiving the product. We have created codes called "T" codes.

Each “T” code signifies an action the ReturnTrak system will take or expect. The “T” code gives a brief explanation of what the action will be.

Arrows also help to determine what is expected.

  1. Red arrow down means we expect the product to be returned

  2. Blue arrow up means ReturnTrak will create an order to ship the replacement product out.

For example, a red arrow down and a blue arrow up mean we expect the product to be returned, and ReturnTrak will create an order to ship it out.

The EDIT button lets you remove or add the code to ReturnTrak and/or change the default description. The action arrows cannot be changed. Once you click on edit, an RMA type Option window will appear.

  1. Click in the title box to change the description

  2. Click on save changes once complete.

  3. Uncheck Display if you want to use the code.

T Code Descriptions

  • T01 - Replace upon Receipt: Once we receive an RMA unit into our system, ReturnTrak will create the replacement order.

  • T02 - Replace Now – No Return: ReturnTrak will create a replacement order as soon as the RMA is created, and no RMA will be expected to be received. The RMA will be closed out as soon as the replacement order is created.

  • T03 - Replace Now - With Return: ReturnTrak will create a replacement order as soon as the RMA is created, and an RMA unit will be expected to be received. The RMA will close as soon as the RMA is received into our system.

  • T11 - Refund Upon Receipt: ReturnTrak will not take action when the RMA is received into the system since DCL does not offer refunds. The instructions are for the customer to check if they have a refund department.

  • T12 – Refund Now: There is no action ReturnTrak will do. DCL will not expect any physical unit to be sent back to us, and the RMA will close out as soon as the RMA is submitted.

  • T13 – Refund Now: With Return. There is no action ReturnTrak will do when the RMA is received into the system since DCL does not do refunds. The Instructions are for you if you have a refund department.

  • T21 – Gift Voucher Upon Receipt: There is no action ReturnTrak will do when the RMA is received into the system.

  • T22 – Gift Voucher now – No Return: There is no action ReturnTrak will do. No Return is expected. The RMA will close out as soon as the RMA is submitted.

  • T23 – Gift Voucher now –With Return: There is no action ReturnTrak will do. No Return is expected. The RMA will close out as soon as the RMA is received into the system.

  • T24 – Gift Card Upon Receipt: There is no action ReturnTrak will do. No Return is expected. The RMA will close out as soon as the RMA is received into the system.

  • T25 – Gift Card – No Return: There is no action ReturnTrak will do. No Return is expected. The RMA will close out as soon as the RMA is submitted.

  • T26 Gift Card – With Return: There is no action ReturnTrak will do. No Return is expected. The RMA will close out as soon as the RMA is received into the system.

  • T31 Upgrade upon Receipt: Once we receive the RMA into our system, ReturnTrak will create the replacement order. This is the same as T01.

  • T32 – Upgrade Now – No Return: ReturnTrak will create a replacement order as soon as the RMA is created, and no RMA will be expected to be received. The RMA will be closed as soon as the replacement order is created. This is the same as T02.

  • T33 – Upgrade Now – With Return: ReturnTrak will create a Replacement order as soon as the RMA is created, and an RMA will be expected to be received. The RMA will close as soon as the RMA is received into our system. This is the same as T03.

  • T81 – Return For Repair: Nothing will be received or action taken from ReturnTrak.

  • T99- Review: Nothing is to be received, nor is action from ReturnTrak.

  • Disposition Codes: These are general statements on what to do with the RMA once received. DCL will not do any automatic dispositions of the RMA without customer approval. Each code is customizable and changeable.

Custom Fields

Customs fields allow you to require additional fields when the RMA is created. For example, if you want RMA agents to list a place of purchase when creating the RMA. You can make these fields required if you wish.

The main screen shows what is set up currently:

Click on edit to create a new custom field.

Once you click on edit a new window will appear

Click on the Edit button to enable or disable the function.

  • Title: Name the custom field

  • Display: Add a check mark if you want your current file to show up on the RMA creation screen

  • Required: Add a check mark if you want this field to be a required field

  • Text: Choose this if you want this field to be a write-in text field.

  • Selection: Choose this if you want the selection to be a drop-down in the RMA creation screen. You will then need to list the choices.


In this section, you will set up the default shipping methods for the replacement orders that ReturnTrak will create.

Shipping Domestic

  1. Shipping Carrier: You can choose the default shipping carrier, such as UPS, USPS, FedEx, etc. Click on the dropdown.

  2. Ship Service: You can choose the service level. Like Ground, Next Day, Two Day, Etc.

    • Please note that a shipping service without “RES” or “Residential” is a commercial service. If the address you are shipping to is residential, you will incur a Residential surcharge as an added on a charge. Added on charges do not have the discount associated with the contract. You should set up the service with a residential service type to get the best pricing if most RMA replacements are shipped to a residential address.

  3. Freight Account: You will choose the default ship account. Usually, it should be 00500.

    • 00500 – DCL pays freight and then rebills you

    • OUR – This is only available if you have been previously set up as a shipper in the DCL system. You will be assigned a special number that will show up on the dropdown. The freight charges, in this case, will be charged against your carrier freight account

    • 3Rd party – This is when the freight charges are not DCL or the recipient. If this is chosen, then the consignee number field needs a freight account number in it to charge against

    • Collect – Choose this if the recipient is paying the freight.

    • Comments – This is what will show up on the packing list comments.

    • Packing list Type – If you have multiple types of packing lists, they can choose the default here. Packing list 100 means no packing list will be generated.

    • International Code, Incoterms, FOB – These can all be ignored since they are for domestic orders.

Shipping International

Choices are the same as domestic. Listed below is the international information that needs to be filled out.

  1. International Code – Use the drop to determine if a paper Commercial Invoice needs to be printed out or if you wants the CI information to be sent electronically (Paperless).

  2. Incoterms – You will set up the default Incoterms. Included is an information button. You can use this link to help decide what incoterms to use.

  3. FOB – You can enter in the FOB information here.

When done entering the default ship information, click on Save Changes.

Email Settings

Here, you can decide when our system emails the customer. ReturnTrak generated RMA's are when the RMA is created from ReturnTrak. Webservice RMA's are when the RMA information is sent to us via the API.

Email Notifications

For both ReturnTrak and Webservice generated RMA's, below is what each box means.

  • Issue: An email will get sent when the RMA is created. You will be able to customize the email that gets sent in the Mail Template section.

  • Receive: An email will get sent when the RMA is received into our system. You will be able to customize the email that gets sent in the Mail Template section.

  • Ship: An email ship confirmation will be sent when the replacement order is shipped. You will be able to customize the email that gets sent in the Mail Template section.

  • Cancel: An email will get sent if the RMA is Canceled. You will be able to customize the email that gets sent in the Mail Template section.


This section customizes the "subject line" and "from" fields on an email.

The words with brackets such as [RMA_NUMBER] are called keywords. This allows the system to pull information into the email that is sent. For example, [RMA_NUMBER} will add the RMA number to the email's subject line. A complete list of Keywords can be found in the Mail Templates Section.

Email Signature

If you want to add contact information and/or a receiving address to an email, you will need to use keywords. The keywords we have for a receiving address is

[WH_RECEIVING_ADDRESS] and the keywords for contact information is [WH_CONTACT_INFO]

Here you can create the address for Keywords [WH_RECEIVING_ADDRESS] and [WH_CONTACT_INFO]

  • You can load a sample and then edit or create from scratch.

  • First, choose the appropriate RMA Warehouse by using the dropdown.

  • You can change the font, add links, and attach a logo using the symbols on top of the data entry area.

  • To use the addresses you create, you must use the Keywords [WH_RECIEVING_ADDRESS] and/or [WH_CONTACT_INFO] in the email template creation section.

Mail Templates

This is the section where you can create a template for the emails that get sent to your customers when an RMA is created when it is received, when we ship a replacement RMA, and when an RMA is canceled. The templates need to be created for each T code that you want an email to be sent. The section on the left of the screen shows the T codes that an email can be created for. There is also a legend that explains what they see.

This is what the main pages of Mail Templates looks like

The box with RMA type will help you choose when and for what RMA type you wish an email to be sent.

  • RMA Type: Is what you are creating a template for.

  • Templates Defined: This signifies what RMA type and when an email is to be sent. If the button is filled in, then the template is enabled. The four buttons represent the four processes of an RMA.

    • The first button from the left represents "Issue RMA." This is when an RMA is created.

    • The second button represents "Recieve RMA." This is when an RMA is received into the system.

    • The third button represents "Ship RMA." This is when a replacement unit is shipped.

    • The fourth button represents "Cancel RMA." This is when an RMA is canceled.

  • The email is not enabled if the button is not filled in. If the button is greyed out, then no email can be sent. For example, on the screenshot above, if you are using a T12 refund now with no return, DCL will not expect an RMA to be returned, nor will a replacement email be sent. So, no email for RMA has been received, nor will Ship RMA be needed.

  • In/Out arrows. These are the same symbols already explained earlier.

Creating the actual email templates.

In the following section is where you can create the actual email templates.

  • Issue RMA: This email will be sent when an RMA is created. You can load a template or start from scratch on what you want the email to say. You can even load the template and then edit it from there. Like the Email Signature section, you can change the font and font size or add pictures like a company logo. You can use keywords from the keyword list to pull information from the RMA into the email template.

    • Once you have created a template, you will need to click save

    • A Sample of what the email will look like can be sent. They need to enter the email address and warehouse account number.

  • Receive RMA: This email is sent once an RMA is received into ReturnTrak. The process to create the template is the same as the Issue RMA.

  • Ship RMA: This email gets sent out when a replacement shipment is sent out to the customer. The process to create the template is the same as Issue RMA.

  • Cancel RMA: This email gets sent out when an RMA is canceled.


This is a list of keywords that can bring information into the system to appear in the email. One keyword that deserves special notation is [RETURN_LABEL_URL], and all keywords with RETURN_LABEL. Using this keyword, we will create a link for return labels that will be emailed to the customer.

RMA # Generation

This section allows you to decide if you want ReturnTrak to create an RMA or if you want to manually create an RMA number.

RMA Number Generation section

  • You can select Manual or Auto.

  • If Auto, then you will need to fill in the parameters for the auto RMA number generation

  • Prefix*

    • The asterisk means that Keywords can be used in the field. The available keywords are on the right side of the screen. Please take a look at the screenshot above.

    • This is what the RMA number will start as.

    • As the fields are filled in on the right side, you can see what the RMA number will look like.

  • Starting Number

    • This is the number you want the first RMA to start with.

    • The RMA numbers will then follow in numeric order.

  • Minimum Number of digits – This is how many total digits you want the RMA number to have.

  • Suffix*: This is what you want the RMA number to end with.

General Section

This is the area where you can input the number of days an RMA can stay open. Once it reaches the specified number of days and is still open, it will be closed.

  • Once you have filled out the fields to save, you need to click on the Save Changes button.

  • This completes the ReturnTrak Set up.

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