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Homepage Dashboard
Written by Maureen
Updated over a week ago

Your eFactory homepage dashboard provides you with a quick glance of all your key fulfillment metrics. The dashboard provides actionable data for your day-to-day business as well as short cuts to dive deeper into various aspects of eFactory. By default, the homepage dashboard has 6 sections but each section can be easily customized.

KPI Widgets

Choose from 12 customizable widgets that reside at the top of your homepage dashboard. These include:

  • Orders received today

  • Back orders

  • Shipped today

  • RMA units

Fulfillment Section

  • Shows current orders, back orders, shipped units, and more for the day for each account.

  • This section is separated by account number in the instance that a customer has multiple accounts. For example, DCL customers have separate B2B and B2C accounts

  • If you click on each numbered result, it will take you to a more detailed view of that dataset.

30-day activity

  • Shows order receipts and shipped orders by day over the last 30 days

Inventory Section

This section will show products you want to track closely or Key Items with a reorder point and items with a shortage. This view will help you monitor stock levels of your most important products and prompt you to order more at predefined levels.

  • Key Items

    • Items can become Key items by adding a key item code to the part number.

    • Key items are items identified by our customers as the most important part number that they want to see.

  • Reorder point

    • DCL can add a reorder point to item numbers.

    • When on hits that reorder point then it will show in this section.

  • Items with a Shortage

    • If demand is greater than available quantity, then the part will show.

  • Customers can sort by Key, Reorder or Short parts.

    • ON HAND – This is physical units on hand.

    • ON HOLD – Out of the physical on hand, this is stock on hold.

    • COMM – This shows item commitments to WO’s or Sales Orders within the DCL inventory system. This is different than the shipping system.

    • PROC – When an order ships, the part number required moves from FF commitment to PROC commitment. PROC stands for in-process. After order ships, there is no longer an FF order commitment and there is a slight delay of no more than 5 minutes before the stock is deducted from ON HAND. The PROC commitment accounts for the stock before it is deducted from the system.

    • FF – These are units committed to Fulfillment orders. Fulfillment orders are our customer's shipping orders.

    • NET – This is the net available. It subtracts ON HOLD, COMM, PROC, FF from the ON HAND to arrive at the customer net available stock.

Latest 50 Orders

Shows the current status of the last 50 orders received.

  • ORDER # - This is the customer's order number.

  • RECEIVED – This is the date, time and channel the order was received.

  • ORDER STAGE – This is the current stage of the order.

    • 10 – Order received

    • 20 – Picklist printed and released to the warehouse.

    • 40 – The order has been verified.

    • 50 - The order is partially shipped.

    • 60 – The order has been fully shipped.

    • 62 - The order is partially shipped and closed short.

  • SHIP TO – This is who and where the order is going to.

  • SHIPPED – This is the date and time the order shipped.

  • CARRIER – This is the shipping method and tracking number

You can click on the tracking number and the system will open a browser to the carriers website to see tracking information.

30 Days RMA Activity

Similar to the 30 Day activity except it will show RMA’s returned.

Graph separates Authorized(created RMA) and Received RMA’s.

  • Announcements (Left side of screen under Overview).

    • This will show the corporate announcement to our customers.

  • Personal Notes

    • With Personal notes, a user can jot down anything that comes to find for future references.

  • The Overview section can be customized.

    • On means, it will show, Off will mean it will not show on the overview.

    • This section can be customized. Click on the dropdown next to Refresh.

    • Select the tile you don’t want by clicking and dragging. Then click and drag the tile you do want.

    • You can also remove any of the sections like the Tile, Fulfillment, 30 Days, Inventory, Last 50 orders and 30 Days RMA by clicking on the visible tag.

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